
One Semester studying abroad in Japan

Hello! My name is Aubree, and I'm a student at Western Carolina University in the United States. 
I will be studying abroad in Japan for one semester! I will be at a sister school of my University called, Chukyo University (中京大学).

I have been in Nagoya for almost one week, and I'll be registering for classes on Friday.
My classes then start later next week.

I will be trying to post as much about Japanese culture and my experiences studying abroad as I can!

Please enjoy!

Image may contain: sky, airplane, mountain, outdoor and nature

Image may contain: table and outdoor
Chukyo University

Image may contain: sky, tree and outdoor
Chukyo University (Toyota Campus)

Image may contain: food
Matcha Icecream Sundae (At Nagoya Castle)

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